Need an iMovie Alternative for Mac? There are numerous alternatives for iMovie for Mac exist in the market that you can make use of when it comes to editing audio/videos. Part 2: Alternative to iMovie for Mac to record audio with high-quality?
#How to download imovie project from ipad how to
This is the method how to record audio on iMovie iPad. At the end, when you are done, your audio recording is the purple bar. After you completed, you have got 4 choices: Cancel (no recording), Retake(do it again), Review(listen) or accept(I want this recording). When you have finished recording, you can tap stop. Before you record, iMovie will count 3, 2, 1. If you need to stop recording, click the Record button again.
The recording will start after a countdown a new audio clip will be added to the Timeline for the voiceover. When you are ready, click the Record button.
Select the Play Project Audio while Recording box if you need to hear sound as you record your voiceover. Note that any sound in your video will be heard as you record your own voice unless you mute it. You can select a Voice Enhancement box to electronically make your voice sound swell. Adjust the "Noise Reduction" slide to prevent background noise. Adjust the baseline volume by dragging the slider left or right so that it matches the loudness of your voice. The voiceover button looks like a microphone. Click the Voiceover button and then choose your actual microphone (or sound input device) from the window that appears. Check below to find out how to record audio on mac iMovie. You have better do a test recording before the real thing. Be aware that recording a voiceover in this way will mute the section of the video clip associated with the recording. Voice-overs can be recorded directly for Mac in iMovie. Part 1: How to record audio on iMovie for Mac/iPad? How to record audio on iMovie for Mac Part 3: How to add recorded music/audio to iMovie for Mac.Part 2: Alternatives to iMovie for Mac to record audio with high-quality.